Sermons in “Heidelberg Catechism”

2018 04 08 pm Thou Shalt Kill! Lord’s Day 33 Romans 8:13

John Owen’s summary of this verse is: “Be killing sin or sin will be killing you!”
Is this fair? What does it mean?

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2018 02 11 pm – John 1:29-34 – Other Baptism Bits

Why do we baptize by sprinkling? Shouldn’t we immerse in water? And what is baptism with the Holy Spirit? Is it a ‘Second blessing’?

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2018 02 04 am – Romans 2:28,29 – A call to self-examination

Am I a Christian just because I was baptized? Or because I go to church? No. We see that genune Christianity is inward and spiritual.

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2018 01 21 pm – Luke 17:1-10 – Lord’s Day 24 – Duty and Reward

Why must we do good works? What is a good work? Are they rewarded by God? How? When?

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